MWG INTERIM Bylaws 2024

Bylaws of the Martes Working Group (adopted 12 April 2024)

Organized: 1993


SECTION 1 – Name: The Martes Working Group (MWG)

SECTION 2 – Area: Worldwide – where species of the Martes Complex occur and those who study them.


SECTION 1 – Objective:  Promote communication among scientists with a common interest in Martes research, conservation, and management.

SECTION 2 – Implementation:  To aid in the achievement of these objectives, the MWG proposes to:

1) Organize and implement the MWG symposium on a 4-5 year schedule, with optional interim virtual and in-person opportunities for member collaborations;

2) Produce a book, publication, or other community-relevant resource from symposia and/or other events; and

3) Maintain communication with current and prospective MWG members via such tools as a website, social media accounts, and/or digital newsletter


The MWG operating and fiscal year shall follow the calendar year.


SECTION 1 – Voting member:  Voting membership in the MWG shall be available to any person who has paid the appropriate MWG dues for the fiscal year in which the voting is conducted.  Any person who has an interest in martens and their allies may become a MWG member.

SECTION 2 – Dues: Annual MWG dues, as determined by the Executive Board, shall be paid directly to the MWG Secretary-Treasurer. 

SECTION 3 – Resignation: Members may resign at any time by giving notice to the MWG Secretary-Treasurer or will be considered to have resigned if annual MWG dues are not paid. 

SECTION 4 – Reinstatement: Persons who are dropped from the rolls of the MWG for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated into membership in the MWG upon payment of appropriate dues.


SECTION 1 – The Executive Board of the MWG, shall prepare a slate of candidates, preferably two each, for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Outreach & Communications Director, and three Directors-At-Large, from the Chapter’s voting membership periodically (1-2 years). In addition, a Student Member may be elected or acclaimed annually to the position of Student Director.

Clause A – All candidates must be voting members of the MWG.

Clause B – Prior approval shall be obtained from said candidates.

Clause C – A slate of candidates (including biographical sketches) for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Outreach & Communications Director, and Directors-At-Large, and a Student Director [if available], shall be submitted to the membership at least 30 days prior to the election.

Clause D – Additional nominees may be added to the Executive Committee slate provided prior approval has been obtained from each candidate.

Clause E – A member may be elected for no more than two consecutive terms in the same position.

Clause F – The Executive Board shall strive to select candidates that represent a cross-section of the MWG membership.

SECTION 2 – Voting:  The Executive Board shall collect votes via an on-line mechanism to ensure that all MWG members can vote remotely without the need for a physical ballot.

Clause A – The candidate receiving the largest number of votes on the on-line ballot shall be declared elected.  No one may hold more than one elective position simultaneously.

SECTION 3 – Officers:  Officers of the MWG shall consist of a President, Secretary-Treasurer, Outreach & Communications Director, Past President, and up to 3 Directors-At-Large (and Student Director if available).  Their duties are:

Clause A – President: The President shall have a general supervision of the MWG officers.  They shall appoint, with the advice of the Executive Board, leaders of all regular and special committees, and they shall preside as chair at meetings of the Executive Board and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.  The President shall establish an International Symposia organizational committee and a science committee, whose responsibilities it shall be to organize the next Symposium.

Clause B – Secretary-Treasurer:  The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the files, records, funds, and maintaining the membership role of the MWG; and they shall submit complete financial reports annually.  Their duties shall also include the receipt and disbursement of funds, the recording of minutes of all meetings, correspondence, and the issuance of meeting notices and reports. 

Clause C – Outreach & Communications Director:  The Outreach & Communications Director shall be responsible for facilitating, coordinating and maintaining active communication with and among the MWG membership and public. In addition, the Outreach & Communications Director, in conjunction with the others on the Executive Board, will direct production of biannual Newsletter, upkeep of the MWG web site, and will work with any committee developing social media outlets.

Clause D – Past President:  The Past President will provide historical context on previous Symposia and events, ensure a smooth transition among Executive Boards, and provide support to the President and the rest of the Executive Board as needed.

Clause E – Director-At-Large: Up to 3 Directors-At-Large may be added to the Executive Board to provide additional leadership and support in accomplishing the objectives of the MWG.

Clause F – Executive Board:  The above-named officers shall make up the Executive Board, which shall act as the governing body for the MWG.

SECTION 4 – Term of Office:  The Executive Board officers must be Voting Members of the MWG.  Elections for the officers of the Executive Board shall be held immediately following the International Symposium (see below).  Their terms shall end immediately following the subsequent International Symposium.  No more than two consecutive terms may be served in the same position.

SECTION 5 – Vacancies:  All vacancies in any unexpired term of an elective office shall be filled through appointment by the Executive Board.  All appointees must be voting members of the MWG.

SECTION 6 – Remuneration:  Executive Board offers shall not be paid for their services. 


SECTION 1– International Symposia:  The MWG will organize and implement an International Symposium on a 4 to 5 year schedule.  The purpose of this symposium is to bring together the MWG membership to share research findings, develop collaborative relations and to renew friendships.  Typically, these symposia occur between North America and other continents with active membership and sufficient staff to organize the meeting. Our goals are to expand the geographic placement of such Symposia over time.

Clause A – Membership Meetings:  Regular membership meetings shall be held in conjunction with each International Symposium.

SECTION 2 – Executive Board Meetings:  Executive Board meetings may be called by the Executive Board at any time and may be conducted via conference call or other appropriate mechanism.


SECTION 1 – Executive Board:  The Chapter shall be governed by an Executive Board composed of its officers, and a Student Director [if available] duly elected to the Board.

Clause A – Conduct: The Executive Board shall conduct its affairs in conformance with the provisions of these Bylaws.  The Board is authorized to act for the MWG between meetings and shall report its interim actions to the members at each succeeding membership meeting and at least annually in the newsletter. 

Clause B – Attendance:  Members may attend Executive Board meetings but may not vote at such meetings.

SECTION 2 – Finance:  Funds of the MWG shall be under the supervision of the Executive Board and shall be handled by the Secretary-Treasurer.   The financial records of the Chapter shall be examined annually and before the incoming Secretary-Treasurer assumes responsibility, by the Executive Board.

Clause A – The Secretary-Treasurer need not be bonded.

Clause B – Funds shall be derived from registration fees, dues, any special assessments, work projects or contributions.  For the purpose of carrying out its objectives, the MWG may borrow or raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as it thinks fit.

Clause C – Funds shall be placed in an insured bank or savings and loan association.

SECTION 3 – Reports:  The Secretary-Treasurer shall report the status of the MWG finances at least annually via the newsletter.  The President shall submit an annual report of MWG activities via the same newsletter.  The Membership Director will submit a membership status report at least annually to the Executive Board.

SECTION 4 – Files:  The MWG shall maintain a file containing: Bylaws of the MWG, minutes of all regular and special meetings of the membership and of the Executive Board; correspondence pertinent to MWG affairs; all committee reports; financial statements and records. 

Clause A – International Symposia records:  Following each International Symposia the Symposia committee chairs shall submit reports on the budgeting and financing of the Symposium and well as details related to the arrangements (i.e., location, speakers, program etc.)


SECTION 1 – Appointments:  The MWG President shall consider suggestions of the Executive Board in appointing persons to chair committees. Committee Chairs shall complete their committees with assistance of the President.  All committee Chairs shall submit a written summary of committee activities to the President and Secretary-Treasurer annually.

SECTION 2 – Duties of Standing Committees:

Clause A – International Symposium Science Team.  This committee shall be responsible for organizing the content and presentations of the International Symposium.  The team will develop the symposium theme and solicit and select presentations from the submissions.  In addition, the Science Team will be responsible for producing the publication that traditionally follows the International Symposium.  The MWG president whose tenure resides concurrent with the symposium shall serve as the chair of this team.

Clause B – Symposium Arrangements Committee.  This committee shall be responsible for arranging for location and other details related to the International Symposium.

Clause C – Social Media Team.  This committee shall be responsible for developing, maintaining and modernizing the MWG social media accounts. The Outreach & Communications Director of the MWG executive board shall chair this team.

Clause D –  Standing Committees. Additional Committees shall be formed as needed to provide services to the MWG membership under the direction of the Executive Board.

Clause E – Sub-working Groups. The Executive Board encourages members to form Sub-working Groups to facilitate communication and collaboration on specific topics in Martes research, conservation, and/or regional issues. Sub-working groups shall be open to all voting members with an interest in their focus, shall meet on a schedule of their choosing, and shall provide an update to the Executive Board and to the membership annually.

SECTION 3 – Accountability: All committees shall be accountable to the Executive Board under general supervision of the President. Before correspondence from the Martes Working Group are made publicly or to the membership, the documents will be seen and approved by the executive board.

SECTION 4 – Tenure:  All committees shall serve until new committees are appointed in their stead or until the duties assigned to the committees have been discharged.

ARTICLE IX – AMENDMENT TO BYLAWSSECTION 1 – Procedure: Bylaws may be altered, amended or added by a special resolution passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the MWG members voting during any election if due advance notice of the proposed special resolution of these Bylaws is followed (e.g., 14-30 days notice).